Moreover, it is also necessary to look at and assess the contemporary coexistence of these diverse Islamic cultures from a number of angles. It seeks to determine the roles that we can play now and those that may arise in the future. In this respect, the practice of coexistence has an important place in the tradition of policy between the nations and the Islamic society in particular. In international community, politics and culture, particularly in the Islamic tradition, the practice of coexistence is a well-respected.
All through the history of Islamic civilization, Muslims have always differed from one another because of life experiences, customs, culture, and other reasons. These differences have occasionally resulted in political and social conflicts that have shaped people's collective memory. Hence, the practice of coexistence in Islamic culture needs to be reconsidered and evaluated in many aspects under current conditions.
The International Symposium on the Practice of Coexistence in Islamic Culture is an event that focuses on fostering understanding and collaboration between different cultures within the Islamic world. It aims to explore the opportunities for coexistence, identify and preserve the contributions of scholars to the practice of coexistence, and promote its application in the future. This project aims to contribute to scientific, political, social and individual studies in the context of the Practice of Coexistence in Islamic Culture, as well as develop friendship and brotherhood relations between Indonesia, Azerbaijan, and Türkiye and other countries . The goal of the conference was to further efforts toward a shared human future founded on the values of peace, particularly among Muslims.
In 2022, Azerbaijan hosted the inaugural symposium, and the 2nd symposium was held in Turkiye, with the same theme. Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is thus hosting the 3rd International Symposium on "The Practice of Coexistence in Islamic Culture III" on May 28-30, 2024. Hopefully, the discussions on Islamic civilization and humanities in wider perspectives could build knowledge synergy of various fields in the Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences i.e. Islamic history, culture, civilization, Arabic language and literature, English language and literature, and library and information sciences.